I finally had a busy day at work today. Made conference calls with a Spanish lady and a sharp New Yorker respectively. Worked on a couple of slides. With work, the time flied and I felt really satisfied with my day.
Today was also the picnic day of the company. During lunch time, we joined the long line on the company lawn, waiting to get our free hamburger and BBQ corn. The picnic event is probably one of the biggest events of the year here. It’s not really like a picnic but more like a fun & food fair. All the executives, including CEO and CFO, dressed up like chefs and drew raffle on the stage. Too bad I didn’t win anything. But I had lots of fun riding a 7-people bike, which cost $20,000 each and was made in Swiss. There were remote control car racing (one of the company’s products), car exhibition, made-your-own-doll, tug of war, live performance, and hula-hoop contest. Although being told casual wear was exclusively allowed today, I still came with business casual so couldn’t join most of the games due to my heels. Sigh. However, I had fun on the shaved ice and the cotton candy stands. When was the last time I had a cotton candy? I remember that when I was a kid, temple events and night markets usually had those cotton candy stands, and I always felt that cotton candy was so pretty. Now I know it’s nothing but sugar but still, I like it!