Since I've spent so much time on exploring Yahoo! properties, I've decided to start a new series called "Something you gotta know about the Internet" on my blog, and hopefully I can continue this as long as possible.

Let's start with a pretty cool search service I've found recently on Yahoo!. I'll take the national hero "chien-ming wang" as an example. Type chien-ming wang in Yahoo! search box. What have you found? On the top of the search result, it shows his picture, his scores, and relevant websites about this great baseball player. Quite neat, huh?

Let's see what else it
can do for us.

Try to type a singer you like. I'll say "Jewel." 

Take a second and click on the play button to enjoy her fabulous songs! 

Don't forget about the movies! I enjoyed the movie Ratatouille a lot. Let's check it out.

You can learn others' feedback about the movie, where it is aired, and more!

Besides music and movies, let's go travel! Just type any locations you want on Yahoo! search box. Take Montreal as example.

Need a hotel? Type Montreal Hotel.  

Now you have hotels categorized in different price range and hotel stars. It even tells you which one is more popular! Click on the hotel and now you can see it's reputation, pictures, compare rates on various travel websites, recommend good restaurants in that area. It's a great help to your research to ensure a better travel experience!

The reason that Yahoo! can launch this search service is based on its content varieties. Thus, it can combine all its valuable contents (Yahoo!Music, Movie, Finance, Shopping, Answers, you name it) to provide a better user experiences for search users.

To dive deeper into the fascinating search world, check out this blog -


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