
To me, the whole internship is like the World Cup of - not the soccer, but Microsoft Excel.

In business school, or in business environment, the top goal of the job is to “reduce work”. That is, anything that requires the least manual work is highly valued. If you do manual count on the playsets we have, oh gee, you are doomed to be kicked out.

Our finance intern project split up into four small teams, with three interns in each. My team members consist of two Asian girls, including me, and a white guy, and both of them are from the other B-school in the city. Our team goal is to analyze the advertising spending effectiveness of different brands and to recommend optimal budget allocation.

To analyze the problem, one of the first things we had to do was to build up a template that grouped different spending under different brands (it’s actually more detailed but I’ve got too lazy to explain.)

Alright, now here comes the less abstract part. The first task we had was to do COUNT with multiple conditions. Anyone has a little knowledge of Excel would know that if you have one condition, you use “COUNTIF” function to count. But we had multiple conditions. The other girl tried to use Pivot Table (what the hell is that), and the guy tried to use countif (apparently it’s never gonna work, dude.) I asked my all-time best friend, Mr. G, and it told me that all I needed was the “SUMPRODUCT” function. It’s easy, and it’s extremely useful! Bingo! I emailed the others and left the office with satisfaction.

However, thought SUMPRODUCT is amazing, it’s still not good enough to provide us a “dynamic” worksheet (dynamic = a lot of built-in formulas = less manual work). Even if I set up formulas for one brand, I have to change the formula for another brand (at least I have to change the brand name which indicates to a specific tab, and also since the brand codes are in text format instead of numbers, it’s even harder to incorporate those into the formula. Anyway, I should stop here coz it’s getting too techy.)

I got to the office on time the next day to work on the worksheet again. I set up another few formulas, trying to make it more dynamic. By the team meeting at 9, I finished another version and presented it to the team, which still required some manual work.

Nevertheless, the other girl looked at my file and said “check out your email. I just sent out another version to you all.”

The girl opened the file, and there’s a much organized, more formulas built-in spreadsheet.

Then she used a function that I didn’t know before, and will definitely remember for the rest of my life: CTRL+H, a function that can save you at least 20 seconds at work. She also switched the text format of the original file into numbers, which made the formula I didn’t figure out earlier worked, and used some IF functions (I didn’t do a good job describing the situation here, but all in all, I was stunned when she showed us the file.) There were still minor flaws in the file but it totally beat all the other versions.

That’s it. I moved my file to the trash can and feel like the French on Sunday. What can I say? It’s a business world for experts in Excel.

整個暑期實習對我來說就像場世界盃一樣—只是比的不是足球,而是Microsoft Excel。




簡單來說,我們要做的第一件事就是使用Excel裡面的Count函數,任何對Excel有點基本常識的人都知道可以用Countif來做任何只有單一條件的計算,但是我們必須在有多項條件下進行計算(依照金額、主品牌、副品牌、費用細項分類等等),另外那個亞洲女生用了個我一輩子都沒聽過的高級Pivot Table(這什麼鬼東西),白人男生則是用了我剛已經說過不可能適用的Countif函數(裝肖維),我呢,則是問了我忠心的好友G先生,得到了使用Sumproduct函數來解決問題的答案,更重要的是這個函數使用起來既簡單又直接解決我的問題,我很高興地把我的發現做成檔案,email給大家後就回家了。







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