I’m in a very bad mood today.

Today is the last day of my summer labor work. Although I can’t wait to get out of the place, my boss had meeting with me to make me work until the last moment. As usual, he did say thank you but not sincerely. I was the last one having the exit interview. Earlier I was told the result will be announced one week after everything is over. But a good friend of mine, also an intern, got her offer in the exit interview and talked to CFO. Her boss gave her a great topic to work on and opportunities to present to higher level executives this summer. I had no chances to do anything above since my boss is always busy. My friend is a smart girl and did a fantastic job. From her, I also realized that some of the interns who finished their internship earlier actually got offers right away at the exit interviews. I wasn’t too surprised of the result, since my boss has never been supportive to the internship program. I also understand that I’ll have to wait for another week to know the result. But it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s not about I got the offer or not. It just made me feel negative of myself. I worked with others, so I know that I’m as good as those interns who got the offers already. But I didn’t get the offer right away. It just shows the company doesn’t value me highly; at least my boss doesn’t. My good friend who got the offer kept telling me that it was just bad luck to have an irresponsible boss, trying to make me feel better. My coworker also encouraged me and said I did a great job over the summer. Still, I’m pretty sad.

To cheer me up, my friend paid for my purchase in the toy store, went for a great lunch with me, and we both went to two malls to complete my to-do shopping list before going back to Taiwan. I couldn’t believe how I can do shopping in such a bad mood. There’s one moment that I forgot my shopping bag in the food court and I was totally depressed about what happened in the day. Fortunately, somebody gave it to lost-n-found so that made me feel a bit released.

Maybe it’s a good lesson. Things never go as well as you think. Sometimes it’s not only about yourself, it’s all about others. I also learned how to avoid being a bad leader. These are all great lessons. And I got a good friend. That is probably the happiest thing I have today.

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